Kids Focus Success in ABQ Schools – Mission Avenue and Mitchell Elementary

Thank you so much to the amazing staff at Mission Avenue and Mitchell Elementary Schools in Albuquerque, NM for supporting Kids Focus, helping children focus and self-regulate using simple movements in the classroom.

I recently gave two powerful workshops at Mission Avenue Elementary and Mitchell Elementary in Albuquerque, NM. What a joy to meet so many dedicated, talented teachers, educational assistants, and counselors!

Imagine your students starting the school year with enthusiasm, focus, concentration and self-regulation! Kids Focus gives teachers the competitive edge in helping children succeed with advanced brain and behavioral development and academic success. And Kids Focus helps implement the rubrics in NM TEACH and supports the Nurtured Heart Approach.

Your students can share the success. Start the school year with one of the most effective programs for student achievement. Contact Marcia Lee at 949-468-9841 to book a Kids Focus Teachers’ Workshop or schedule a free Kids Focus demonstration at your school.

Helen Cordero Primary School – First APS School to Implement Children’s Brain/Body Balancing

The Albuquerque Public School District is the largest school district in New Mexico. Helen Cordero Primary School, in the southwest part of Albuquerque, NM, has over 40 teachers and 20 EAs teaching almost 800 children in grades pre-K through 2nd grade. This school has a very active parenting community as well. On March 6th, Ellen Griffiths, principal, and half of the teaching staff broke new ground by training in Children’s Brain/Body Balancing.

Children’s Brain/Body Balancing (CBBB) supports the Nurtured Heart Approach used by the teachers at Helen Cordero School. The CBBB movements help children focus and self-regulate which makes it easier for them to communicate and understand the principles of the Nurtured Hearth Approach, helping children feel positive, creative, and cooperative.

Gaby Vera, the Helen Cordero School Community Liaison, has begun teaching some of the Children’s Brain/Body Balancing movements and ideas to parents of students. Both parents and teachers have seen immediate positive changes in behavior and learning! Barbara Brandon, an APS Early Childhood Office Social Worker, has reported similar success with parents and students at Kit Carson Elementary School.

Here’s what the Helen Cordero teachers had to say after their recent training in Children’s Brain/Body Balancing:
“Easy to learn and fun to do activities to share with my class immediately!”
“I enjoyed all the material and movements.”
“The actual demonstrations and being able to do each movement was great.”
“I truly enjoyed learning positive methods of calming students.”
“The most useful parts were the research behind brain/body balancing, the various breathing and movement exercises, and the information about health and nutrition.”
“Wonderful workshop! Families need this information!”
“I think this is excellent information that I’m hoping has a big impact on kids!”
“I can’t wait to see how this works with my class!”
“Offer this to parents!”
“It’s great for the overall well-being of body, mind, and soul of students and teachers. It helps eliminate stress.”

Contact Marcia Lee at 949-468-9841 for information about bringing Children’s Brain/Body Balancing to your child’s school and parenting community. Enjoy the benefits of happier, confident, focused children.